Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 26)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 26)
Knowledge are elements of simple sensations and science is
predicated on the positing of relations between these reduced
elements. (21)
Although most modern empiricists have long ago abandoned this
naive associationist psychology they have done so without
seeing that it was to the everlasting merit of the
associationists that their theory of perception attempted to
resolve a critical problem for empirical science. It provided
a necessary methodological linkage between thought and being
and attempted to substantiate this linkage on ae solid
empirical foundation. Latter day empiricists, such as Carnap,
have displaced this very real problem for one which searches
for logical links between the meaning of terms, sentences or
whole systems of sentences and possible confirming or
disconfirming theories. (22) This solution has created a
terrain of ambiguity and paradox which the psychological
theory of perception was purposely constructed to avoid. How
do we distinguish theoretical (a priori) statements from
observational (sensational) ones? In other words, how do we
distinguish analytic from synthetic statements? (23)
Empiricism as a type of epistemology logically implies 4
particular conception of how best to go about the process of
scientific research. It implies a specific methodology. This
methodology is one of gathering the "facts" of given
experiences. In social statistics this methodology has led to
a conception of the "open-minded" collection of data and the
unbiased discovery of facts as the key to objective and
Alex Pollock


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