Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 27)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 27)
value-free knowledge about the social world. (24) Data-
gathering in this schema is not seen as a selective process,
only the object or problem to be studied is selected. Data-
gathering is determined by the holism of the atomistic field
selected and the field itself is bound by the collective
closure of the facts in that field. As a research programme
it lays singular stress on the unbiased collection of data
and the analysis of facts. The form this analysis takes is
empirical inductivism. It 1s to the analysis of inductivism
which we now turn.
Inductivism, or "epagoge" as it was known to Aristotle and
Cicero, is a method for the production of knowledge which
states that general knowledge of the world can be derived
from the facts of particular experiences. (25) Inductivism is
essentially dyadic in structure consisting of the experience
of a personified subject from typified objects. The concept
of experience is the relational component which binds’ the
elements of subject and object into an epistemological unity.
Empiricist gnoseology is implicitly. if mot explicitly.
committed to a sensationalist ontology of perception which 1s
non-rationalist and a posteriori in form. This ontology is’ by
implication one in which the perceptability. or possible
perceptability., of objects is unequivocal, i1.e. it is an
ontological theory which posits the features or elements of
objects as manifest. (26)
L v4 | 13
Alex Pollock


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