Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 30)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 30)
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of gravity which subsumes this particular event and which is
universal in form?
From strictly Humean prescriptions we cannot proceed
according to some more or less rational or a priori connection.
According to Humean criteria it is illegitimate to attribute
mental (rational) connection to phenomena or events. (31) In
other words, events and phenomena must be related to one
another at a purely observational level. This logically
entails that the universal statements of science are not
rational-theoretic statements - i.e. statements linked by
rational connectives —- but empirical statements connecting
observables. (32) Concomitant with this view is the notion
that "scientific laws" are not what we would generally call
theoretical statements but empirical statements of a general
character. This bequeaths a concept of "laws" as general
empirical statements which correlate constant conjunctions of
events. (33) These empirical statements take the form: ail
A's are B, etc. Thus, according to Humean criteria, laws take
the form of empirical generalisations which are constructed
by means of the repetitious observation of recurrent
phenomena, e.g planets moving in elipses around the sun or
the mortality of all people, etc.
Hume himself has shown the logical limits of this conception
of knowledge. (34) The movement from particular observations
to general empirical statements can never contrive to acheive
universality since there are no justifiably
reasons to assume that because a certain series of events has
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- Alex Pollock
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