Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 32)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 32)
laws from particular observations is fallacious,
and Hume's scepticism is inescapable for an
empiricist. (36)
More humorously, yet no less logically incisive, David and
Judith Willer have shown how empiricism:
...1S logically identical to magic, but our greater
powers of observation, measurement and manipulation
often mean that our empiricism is more effective.
This identity of magic and empiricist science is premised on
the notion that one object has the power or ability to cause
another. In other words, primitive tribesmen when they
perform a dance in order to precipitate the rains are being
consistent empiricists. (38)
It is a special feature of empiricism that it does not
operate with concepts but rather with empirical categories.
Concepts”) are, in aminimal sense at least, rational or
independent of experience - if not wholly a priori —- insofar
as they are theoretical. Empiricism works not with general
concepts, such as magnetic field, atom, surplus value, etc.,
but with general categories which incorporate particular
observations in a "ladder of abstraction" based on the method
of induction. (39) The general model of empiricist
explanation takes the following form:
Alex Pollock


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