Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 34)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 34)
- المحتوى
This ontology 1S generally common to all variants of
empiricist epistemology. These variants share a set of common
ontological assumptions.
At the simplest level empiricism conceives the object
knowledge being constituted from independent atomistic events
and their constant conjunction. Through the detection of the
existence of events we can begin to comprehend the facticity
of the world in the form of statements asserting the nature
of their existence or behaviour. Further, the identification
of constant conjunctions of events enables us to construct
law-~like general statements. (41)
Post-Humean empiricism opines the proposition that constant
conjunctions of events are the only veracious model of
construction of natural necessity or theory of causality.
Implicit in this conception is a metaphysic of a "shallow"
surface ontology. (42) In this model of ontology, knowledge
of the world is discovered as in a mirror. Statements about
events constitute the facts of a field and the constant
conjunctions of events which we discover within this field
enable us to construct law-like statements about manifest
empirical phenomena. With this view, science does not have to
be rationally worked for but is a kind of epiphenomena of the
Given-ness of nature which is virtuously imposed on the act
of vision by the "given". The act of discovery, in this
account, is nothing other than seeing that which we failed to
see in the past. This model designates a passive process and
not an apperceptive one. We discover immediately the ultimate
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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