Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 35)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 35)
constituents of scientific knowledge which are manifest
events and their constant conjunction. Furthermore, the
requisite methodology for the discovery of the ultimate
constituent objects of science is, as we saw previously, the
act of "sensing", or, the use of a metering device which 1s
analogous to sensing. This methodology is not conceived as an
interactive construction or production of knowledge of a real
object but, rather, a reception from the manifestness of the
This view is constructed in the belief that the essence of
"reality" is such that events are experienced as atomistic
and discrete. Thus, the objects of science are discovered in
an extensively empirical world. That is, a world where things
and events are manifest and observable: a world which 1s
translucent, opalescent and transparent. (43)
What the empiricist has done in this model is to reduce being
to knowledge of being, i.e. to reduce ontology to
epistemology in such a manner that they form an indissoluble
unity in the category of experience. The ultimate outcome of
this is that logical necessity and natural necessity are
interbedded and the reduction of natural necessity to
epistemological connection is complete. This closed circle of
empiricist epistemology and its guarantee to particular
empiricist forms of knowledge determines its methodological
protocols and research strategies. These are procedurally
distinct, viz. the methodology isolates/discovers atomic
events which are then computed and collated in the form of
- v4 | 21
Alex Pollock


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