Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 36)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 36)
constant conjunctions of these events. These collations and
computations of constant conjunctions are then arranged ina
nierarchical order which moves from the particular to the
general. (44) We can title this ontology empirical atomism.
In this model of ontology "experience" and "the empirical”
are not merely co-terminal but reduced to a singular
identity. In other words. ontology is reduced to the
empirical which is premised on the epistemological category
"experience". The result of this combination of atomism and
reductionism is a theory of causality which conceptualises
causal laws in the form of empirical statements about the
corrrespondence of constant conjunctions of events. This
whole procedure is based on the methodological "tapping" of
the manifest surface phenomena of the world. (45)
Empirical Theory of Causality
The concept of causality. as it was developed and utilised in
empiricism, can be traced directly to David Hume. In its
modern form this notion of causality has been accurately
termed the regularity theory of causality. (46) The Humean
tradition asserts that a constant conjunction of events is a
necessary if not sufficient condition for the establishment
of a causal law. Radical Humeans would argue that it was also
a sufficient condition for the assertion of a causal law. The
regularity theorists of causality argue that since a constant
conjunction of events is necessary to establish causal laws
then there are, by definition, also such relations in the
world per se, i.e. the world is constituted of atomistic
22 f
Alex Pollock


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