Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 37)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 37)
events or states of affairs and their constant conjunction.
If this were not the case then the doctrine of
epistemological—-ontological atomism would collapse and
knowledge of the objects of the world would not be possible -—
at least not in an atomistic form. (47)
The empiricist conception of causality is predicated on the
atomic-empirical concept of ontology in which events) are
atomistic and the constant conjunction of atomistic events
allows the systematic empiricist to formulate causal laws
based on the regular concurrence of similar conjunctions of
events. Hence the notion of regularity determinism.
Rom Harre has defined regularity determinism as:
...the doctrine that the empirical content of a
statement of a causal relation is no more than a4
statement that the events, states, etc. of the type
of effect. The experience of the manifestation of
the productive power of potent things in causal
production and the apparent necessity of their
effects are alleged to be psychological phenomena,
Produced by experiencing the regularity of the
concomitance. (48)
In other words, the ontological identification of constant
conjunctions of events gives rise to a concept of constant
concatenation of causes which has the form:
For every event Y there is a cause X
For every Y then X
If Y then X
This concept of cause is irreducibly empirical and does not
23 :
- vt :
Alex Pollock


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