Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 38)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 38)
refer to some further superior or essential unobservable
element which 1s producing event Y. The whole notion of cause
is centred around a cause as a temporal sequence in which one
event of a specific form is invariably followed by another
event of a particular type. (49) This is distinctly Humean in
character and complementary with Hume when he states that:
...-a@ cause [1s] an object followed by another. and
when all the objects Similar to the first are
followed by objects similar to the second. (50)
Humean regularity determinism conceives causality as a nexus
of constant sequential relations between repeated events.
However, in order for this model to be intelligble it
requires that the empirical world must in some way be closed
Such that a cause X is both a necessary and sufficient
condition for the effect Y to occur. A closed system is one
where there is a necessary symmetry between explanation and
Prediction. (51)
Having outlined the essential components of empiricism, 1.e.
its concepts of experience, induction, ontology and
Causality, we will now turn to the composition of these
elements in positivist epistemology.
The term "“positivism' often denotes a number of different
conceptual, theoretical and philosophical positions. (52)
From Auguste Comte in the nineteenth century to. logical
24 Lh
Alex Pollock


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