Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 41)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 41)
COVERING LAW -— All fires de-combust when starved of
ANTECEDENT CONDITIONS -—- The chimney is blocked and the room
1S air-tight.
CONCLUSIONS - Therefore the fire de-combusted.
Always if A then B. [covering law]
A occurred. [antecedent condition]
CONCLUSION - Therefore B occurred. [explanandum event]
In the deductive model of explanation we can deduce the event
to be explained from an empirical law of a general form and a
set of initial conditions usually referred to as the cause.
In this model the truth of the conclusion is logically
derived from the truth of the premises of the argument, i.e.
from the covering law and antecedent conditions. Hence, the
argument is logically deductive.
For reasons outlined by the Willers‘ in their critique of the
empiricist “ladder of abstraction", general laws can never be
universal in form if we remain bound by empiricist criteria
of the observational definition of laws. (62) We can never
legitimately make the move from the observation of
particulars to the construction of universal laws — we can
never logically jump from the finite to the infinite. Now one
way for the deductivist to unburden her/himself of the
terrible dilemma of empiricism is to follow the lead of Karl
Popper and propose that empirical laws must necessarily be
Alex Pollock


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