Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 44)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 44)
refutation. (68) Contrary to the verificationist position,
Popper argues that science does not proceed by way of
empirical tests of verification but, on the contrary,
methodologically endeavours to empirically falsify
theoretical conjectures by observational means. This
methodological position has been appropriately called
falsificationism. (69)
Both, falsificationism and verificationism, assume that the
empirical observations used to evaluate our theories can
ultimately provide an objective basis for science and that
entrenched "theoretical" disputes can be resolved by
reference to the consonant observed facts. This issue, as we
shall argue shortly, is far from simple since facts are not
in themselves intrinsically theoretically neutral as
verificationism and, to a lesser degree, falsificationism
assume. (70)
So far we have identified the term “theory” as a
Classification for a set of hypothetical/universal empirical
laws of a deductive form. Now, a number of positivists,
notably, verificationists and phenomenalists, argue that the
term "theory" should only be utilised in a very restricted
metaphysical sense. The term theory, they argue, should only
be applied to "theoretical" laws which emp loy non-
observational entities, e.g. law-like empirical statements
which utilise the concepts magnetic field, electron, atom,
etc. (71) These theoretical entities are not uncommon in
scientific discourse and their application in both theory and
30 UE,
Alex Pollock


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