Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 50)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 50)
in an uncritical modality which is referenced through the
concept of "experience". Here epistemology and ontology are
not considered as analytically distinct entities or analysed
on their own terms as necessary components in a complex
combination of “natural” and "Social" elements which are
Structured in a determinate manner to form “'"knowledge".
Rather, knowledge is considered as a type of epiphenomenon of
nature, in which atomistic events are received by a passive
sensory apparatus; which then unproblematically enables
Statements to be constructed about events and the constant
conjunction of such events facilitates the construction of
general laws. The real analogue for this conception of
knowledge is "the mirror of mature" which reflects the
empirical world in the head of the passive receiver. This
conception reduces being to knowledge of being, i.e. it
reduces ontology to epistemology. This requires, as a
legitimation of its methodological strategy, the belief that
the empirical world is the extensive domain of science. In
other words, the phenomena of the world are immediately
observable; all Phenomena are surface phenomena; all
scientific facts refer to observable phenomena. This notion
applies not just to empiricism but to positivism,
particularly in verificationism where being and knowledge of
being are indissoluble; where logical necessity and natural
necessity are sub-species of the same genus, i.e. natural and
epistemic necessity are identical. Only on the logical ground
of this paradigm is deductivist methodology coherent.
a 36
Alex Pollock


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