Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 51)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 51)
Recent critiques of empiricism have focused on the inadequacy
of the empiricist concept of experience. (82) It has been
consistently argued, from within both the rationalist and
realist tradition. that experience is never direct or
immediate and thus never comes to us without filtration
through concepts or theories which, in their simplest forms,
are deeply embedded in our common-sense = and scientific
languages. (83)
Norwood Hanson, in his book Patterns of Discovery, made the
now elementary point that: "There is more to’ seeing than
meets the eyeball." According to Hanson, a "subject" is
conceptually interpellated in the act of vision. This point
can be illustrated with examples from Gestalt psychology
called "shift of aspect phenomena”. These are illustrated
be low:
Diagram 2: Shift of Aspect Phenomena
Goblet/faces Duck/rabbit
If we consider Kohler's drawing of the goblet and/or faces.
This drawing can be seen as either two faces or a goblet, yet
it is always constituted by the same retinal sense-—datum. The
Alex Pollock


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