Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 53)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 53)
verificationism and falsificationism, that competing
theories can be assessed by reference to agreed upon facts,
Since rival theories will see different things and "uncover"
different facts. So, facts do not after all speak for
themselves; facts are not conceptually or theory-—neutral]. The
factual world is not one of atomistic description but one
which is. in a minimal sense, produced by our theories and
concepts. In other words, there is no perception without
conception and experience or observation is, therefore,
necessarily apperceptive.
I have said enough at this juncture to register the point
that there is something seriously wrong with the empiricist
and positivist concept of experience and their construction,
from this uncontaminated empirical base, of inductive and
deductive methodological strategies.
The second critical point is an analysis. of empiricist
ontology. The empiricist account of ontology is fused with
its account of epistemology, which reduces Knowledge to
atomistic events apprehended in empirical experience. These
events are identified as the real or ultimate components) of
the world. In this account, science is reduced to a surface
ontology in which immediate experience is possible in the
form of atomistic facts. However, as we saw previously,
positivists like Hempel realize that this ontology imposes
extremely restrictive limitations on scientific advance.
Hempel has himself argued, that when scientific development
has been revolutionary it has, in general, utilised concepts
39 vA
Alex Pollock


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