Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 56)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 56)
other words, empiricist aetialogy does not bring out the real
causes of the empirical patterns of determination that we do
In this section I will focus attention in trying to draw out
the main methodological elements of a realist alternative to
empiricism and positivism. The main methodological protocols
of both empiricism and positivism, which still accounts for
their continuing longivity and intellectual appeal, state
that it is possible to construct a rigorous theory of
knowledge based on a synthesis of empirical epistemological
and empirical ontological elements. In the previous sections
of this chapter, I attempted to show that, for all their
logical merits, both empiricism and positivism were
theoretically inadequate in terms of their theory of
perception and their theory of causality. However, it is to
the merit of the empiricist account of science that it tried
to solve the basic methodological problem of how to
adequately resolve the combination of epistemology and
ontology. The empiricist has consistently argued that
although it is analytically possible to separate
methodological, epistemological and ontological issues, it is
only when they are combined in the practice of scientific
activity as a whole that we produce fundamental knowledge of
the world. The main problem of the empiricist account is that
it is reductionist rather than synthetic.
Alex Pollock


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