Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 57)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 57)
This methodological relation between epistemological and
ontological issues has often been obfuscated in much of the
recent discussions taking place in the philosophy and
methodology of the social sciences. (87) In reality,
knowledge is a methodological Janus consisting of both an
epistemological and an ontological face. Substantive (as
opposed to formal) knowledge is a combination of two
elements; first, as Kuhn and Althusser have pointed out, the
construction of Knowledge is a social production carried out
in the social practice of scientific endeavour (88) and,
second, scientific knowledge is a knowledge of things which
are independent of our knowledge of them.
In this section I will attempt to show how a realist
methodology attempts to take account of this relation and
distinction by constructing a radically different set of
methodological protocols from those established by classical
empiricism and positivism. In attempting to elucidate these
protocols I will rely quite heavily on the work of the
British realist Roy Bhaskar, who has set out the issues with
a methodological rigour and clarity which lends itself most
efficaciously to dealing with the theoretical and substantive
issues which I attempt to resolve and explain in the concrete
theoretical and empirically grounded study which I will
undertake in the following chapters of this thesis. (89)
Bhaskar refers to two major elements in the production of
scientific knowledge. These are, on the one _ hand, “the
transitive objects of knowledge" and, onthe other, “the
uP ; 43
Alex Pollock


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