Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 58)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 58)
intransitive objects of knowledge". (90) The transitive
Objects of knowledge consist of those socially constructed
elements which constitute the means of epistemological
production; these include, '"antecedently established facts
and theories", paradigms and models, and the basic methods
and techniques of scientific inquiry. The process of the
epistemological production of knowledge refers to the social
side of knowledge production. The intransitive objects of
knowledge, on the other hand. refer to the ontological side
of knowledge and refers to real "things", "structures",
"mechanisms", "processes", events and possibilities which
science attempts to discover and explain. The methods of
scientific inquiry and endeavour result in the intransitive
objects of science being discovered through the transitive
objects of knowledge. Scientific discovery is a complex
process of the social production of knowledge of the material
things which necessarily operate independently of scientific
Ontological Reaiism
While a great deal of recent meta-theoretical discourse in
the social sciences has been overwhelmingly concerned with
epistemological issues to the almost complete emaciation of
ontological issues, the realist position is that both these
dimensions have to be jointly confronted and theoretically
squared with each other. One way to achieve this is to begin
with the basic materialist presupposition which is unique to
ontological realism. This states that the objects of
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Alex Pollock


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