Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 59)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 59)
scientific knowledge are real structures and mechanisms which
generate the phenomena experienced on the empirical level.
Thus, according to this presupposition, empirical phenomena
are not in themselves the transitive objects of science but
rather it is the mechanisms and structures which generate the
empirical events and phenomena which we experience which are
the proper intransitive objects of scientific knowledge. (91)
For the realist. the world can be ontologically analysed at
three distinct levels. First, there is the level of the
empirical, where we are able to experience events”) and
phenomena. It is important to bear in mind the
conventionalist position, when dealing with the empirical
world, that this level is both technically and discursively
conditioned and that empirical observation may be false or
erroneous. Second, there is the level of the actual, where
all events and phenomena occur, including those of which we
have no empirical experience. And third, there is the level
of the real, where generative mechanisms generate the events
and phenomena which occur on the level of the actual and of
which we often have empirical experience. (92)
The manner through which we lay epistemological purchase onto
the intransitive objects of science is not through empirical
experience of the world per se but through the transitive
objects of knowledge, i.e. models, concepts and paradigms of
science. Models, concepts and paradigms are functional
attempts to express in thought the real structures and
mechanisms of the world which generate the empirical events
and phenomena of which we have experience. Models, concepts
Alex Pollock


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