Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 61)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 61)
This 1s the point where the ontological commitment of the
realist can be distinguished from that of the empiricist.
Empiricism conceives the worid as an empirical one structured
by atomistic events and their constant conjunction, while the
realist conceives the world as structured and differentiated
by three distinct ontological layers. It is the job of
substantive scientific inquiry to bring out the actual
structures and forms of differentiation in the world. Thus,
ontological realism does not view the world from the
perspective of a simple visible surface ontology pace
empiricism. Rather. ontological realism posits a level
underlying perceptible empiricism where it is possible to
discover generative structures and mechanisms which are forms
of causal agency which largely determine the pattern of
empirical phenomena which we experience on the empirical
level. Thus, the realist accepts the empiricist and
positivist postulation of the empirical level of analysis as
fundamental to scientific activity, but unlike the empiricist
and positivist argues that the empirical level is predicated
upon a further deeper ontological level of structure and
mechanism. It is on this level that the most fundamental
discoveries of science are located. (94)
The Concept of Experience in Realism
In order to comprehend the level of mechanism and structure,
realism posits two dimensions to experience in scientific
reseach. These are first, as empiricism points out, through
sense perception and second, through experimental activity.
47 Ut
Alex Pollock


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