Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 64)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 64)
analyse open-sytems, where the world is not made up of
constant conjunctions of events, we need the concept of
generative mechanism. While model building is a contingent
aspect of scientific activity the realist argues that
scientific models can come to be known to have ae real
material basis. It is only if causal structures and
generative mechanisms are treated as real entities or
hypostatised real entities that we are able to separate
ontologically causal laws from patterns of events.
This leads us to examine again the role of experimental
activity in scientific discovery. It is the role of
experiments to isolate integral factors from outside causal
interference. In order to do this, experimental design
attempts to isolate patterns of events which can be re-
established in a recurrent manner, so that the scientist can
hypostatise and identify causal structures, powers and
mechanisms. The role of the experiment is to allow the
scientist to establish these entities as real in-themselves
and not merely reducible to constant conjunctions of events.
Experimental activity allows the scientist to identify the
real mechanisms, powers and structures which exist in the
world independently of the constant conjunctions of events
which allowed their initial discovery under’ the ideal
experimental condition of causal closure. In the world of
everyday causality the underlying mechanisms still continue
to operate, but they most often do so in a manner. which
produces no constant conjunctions of events, since the causal
mechanism in question will interact with other generative
Alex Pollock


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