Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 66)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 66)
open systems the realist argues that we have to work with
three distict ontological levels. These are: (1) the
empirical, (ii) the actual, and (111) the real. Experience is
located on the level of the empirical, events are located on
the level of the actual, and generative mechanisms are
located on the level of the real. In the scientific
experiment all of these levels are brought into phase under
the conditions of experimental closure in such a manner that
the tendencies of generative mechanisms are allowed to occur
Without external interference and thus the scientist can
establish a recurrent pattern of events which are
empirically experienced. However, in order to bring about
this contingent set of conditions into being in the
experimental situation, it is necessary for the scientist to
construct theoretical concepts which adequately depict the
real generative mechanism and, also, to set up operational
test conditions which will allow him to bring into being the
patterns of events which will allow him to identify the
tendencies of the generative mechanism. This is quite clearly
a theoretical and social production which is not given ad
libitum from nature.
The essence of causal laws then are that they are normic or
transfactual statements about the tendencies of things. (98)
In open-systems these tendencies may be off-set by the
countervailing tendencies of other generative mechanisms. The
main point, however, is that if we know a generative
mechanism is in operation and we know that other generative
mechanisms are also in play then we should be able to explain
Alex Pollock


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