Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 68)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 68)
When the scientist applies law statements in open-systems
s/he is not attempting to "confirm" or "falsify" theories but
is attempting to explain phenomenon with the aid of an
existing body of scientific theory. The method the scientist
uses 1S neither an inductive nor a deductive analytic but is
in fact a’retroductive analytic. By the retroductive method
the scientist applies relevant theories to antecedent events
and states of affairs which s/he wishes to explain, i.e. s/he
identifies her/his explananda and reasons towards her/his
explanans. (99) Retroduction involves the scientist in
utilising relevant independently confirmed theories in order
to reconstruct the phenomena and events s/he wishes to
explain within an explanatory format. Retroduction is
essentially a form of conjunctural analysis. The application
of theories in conjunctural analysis means that the scientist
has to isolate the number and types of mechanisms and
structures which are operative, their articulation and their
effects. (100) In conjunctural analysis the scientist is
applying theory to a set of events which s/he sees as
causally relevant and s/he is not normally constructing new
theories. Conjunctural analysis is the analysis of causal
events in open-systems and not experimental situations. This
is exactly the division between pure and applied science.
These are two distinct types of theoretical activity. Thus:
The applied scientist must be adept at analysing a
situation as a whole, of things at different levels
at once, recognising clues, piecing together
diverse bits of information and assessing the
Alex Pollock


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