Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 69)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 69)
likely outcomes of different courses of action. The
pure scientist, on the other hand, deliberately
excludes, whereas the applied scientist seeks
always to accommodate, the effects of intervening
levels of reality. He holds to the object of
inquiry. The applied scientist 1s an
Instrumentalist and a conservative, the pure
scientist is a realist and a revolutionary. (101)
Retroduction in conjunctural analysis involves four distinct
methodological steps. These are; (1) a causal analysis of
events or phenomena in which each event or phenomenon is
broken down into its components, (ii) a theoretical
rediscription of the component causes of these events) and
Phenomena so that the different types of mechanism and
structure generating these events and phenomena can be
theoretically introduced to explain the events and phenomena
in question, (111) a retroduction through normic and tendency
statements to possible antecedent states which produced the
operation of the mechanism and structure, and, (iv) an
elimination of alternative causes of the event. (102)
It should be clear from the methodological protocols of
retroduction that any attempt at conceptual system building
in the form of a general theory which attempts to offer a
comprehensive explanation of all of the phenomena in 4a
particular concrete situation must be rejected as a
theoretical Utopia. No single theory is likely to comprehend
or explain the totality of determinations and causal factors
which are operative in a concrete situation. This theoretical
Utopianism amounts to "conflating the determinancy of the
real world with determinancy as a property of a given
theoretical system, thereby aiming to explain the former in
Alex Pollock


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