Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 70)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 70)
terms of the latter." (103) Thus. in any concrete analysis
we need to engage in an analysis of the many causal
determinations which are combined in the concrete situation
and to theoretically describe how they are connected as
antecedent conditions in the particular contingent structure
of causation. This involves applying antecedently established
theories to explain particular aspects of different
generative mechanisms in the concrete situation. It also
involves explaining the different effects and counter-effects
the different generative mechanisms have upon each other in
terms of the tendencies of these mechanisms. This
methodological approach rules out of court any attempt to
apply a global theoretical explanation to the concrete
Situation. Rather, an adequate theoretical explanation
requires the connection of a number of theoretical
explanations which comprehensively 'cover' and explain the
mechanisms and events in any particular concrete situation.
The formation and articulation of theoretical explanations in
such a context becomes exceedingly complex but it is a
complexity which must always be empirically, actually and
really grounded.
In this chapter I attempted to provide an analysis of the
methodological protocols of the empiricist and positivist
theory of knowledge. I demonstrated that where empiricism is
essentially inductive in character, positivism attempts to
substantiate empiricist epistemology in a logically rigorous
Alex Pollock


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