Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 75)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 75)
4. For the historical background to empiricism see, Cc.
Hill, The Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution,
(Oxford, 1965) and L. Kolakowski, Positivist Philosophy,
(Harmondsworth, 1972).
5. Hindess, op cit., Willer op cit.. also, P. Anderson,
"Components of the National Culture", in A. Cockburn and R.
Blacburn Eds., Student Power, (Harmondsworth, 1969).
G. Steedman-Jones, "History: The Poverty of Empiricism", in R.
Blackburn Ed... Ideology in the Social Sciences, (Glasgow,
6. For Plato see, F. M. Cornford, Plato's Theory of
Knowledge, (London, 1933). For Kant see, I. Kant. Immanuel
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, (New York. 1966). For Spinoza
see, S. Hampshire, Spinoza, (Harmondsworth, 1951).
7. See, L. Althusser, For Marx, (London, 1970), Lenin and
Philosophy and Other Essays, (London, 1971) and Politics and
History. (London, 1972). L. Althusser and E. Balibar, Reading
Capital, (London, 1970). G. Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of
Fire, (Boston, 1964). P. Feyerabend, Against Method. (London,
1975) and Science in a Free Society, (London, 1978). T. S.
Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, (Chicago,
1970). I. Lakatos and P. M. Musgrave, Criticism and _ the
Growth of Knowledge, (Cambridge, 1970).
8. Benton, op cit., Keat and Urry op cit., Harre and
Madden, op cit., R Bhaskar, A Realist Theory of Science,
(Sussex, 1975). R. Harre, Principles of Scientific Thinking,
(London, 1970) and Philosophies of Science. (Oxford, 1972).
N. Hanson, Patterns of Discovery, (Cambridge, 1963) and
Observation and Explanation, (London, 1972). M. Hesse, In
Alex Pollock


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