Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 76)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 76)
Defense of Objectivity, (Oxford, 1973) and Models’ and
Analogies in Science, (Indianapolis, 1966).
9. For Marx see, in particular, "The 1857 Introduction” to
Grundrisse, (Harmondsworth, 1973) and "1859 Preface" to A
Contribution to a Critigue of Political Economy. (London,
1971). For Aristotle see, Metaphysics, (Oxford, 1924).
10. I do not at this stage want to bring up the hoary
dilemma which once again seems to haunt the social sciences,
1.e. the dilemma of science versus common-sense. I believe
that the polarisation and dichotomisation of the problem is
misconceived. Common-sense may be established in such a
manner that it reflects, albeit simplictically, scientific
knowledge (but it is not in itself scientific knowledge),
e.g. most people understand that if they do not eat food or
drink over a sustained period of time then they will
eventually die. This requires a minimum knowledge of the
dietary and energy requirements of the human body without
necessarily being well grounded in knowledge of human
physiology or biology. Clearly this type of knowledge has a
scientific basis without itself being that basis.
11. See, Hindess op cit pp. 114-33, Benton op cit pp. 21-
12. See, J. Locke, An Essay Concerning Human UNderstanding,
(Oxford, 1975), p. 122.
13. Willers’ op cit p.7.
14. See, inter alia, Chalmers op cit pp. 2-3, Benton op cit
pP.21, Hindess op cit pp. 123-29.
62 vA ;
Alex Pollock


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