Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 77)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 77)
15. Popper has quite accurately called this theory the
“bucket theory of mind", see, Objective Knowledge, (Oxford,
1972), pp. 7-8
16. See, inter alia. J. Piaget. The Child's Construction of
Reality. C. Levi-Strauss, The Savage Mind.
17. I would concur with Hampshire when he says:
The deepest mistake in empiricist theories of
perception, descending from Berkley to Hume. has
been the representation of human beings as passive
observers receiving impressions from "outside" of
the mind, where the "outside" includes our own
bodies. In fact I find myself from the begining
able to act upon objects around me. In this context
to act 1s to move at will my own body, that
persisting physical thing, andtherby to bring about
perceived movements of other physical things. I not
only perceive my body [I also control it: I not only
perceive external objects. I also manipulate
them... it is therfore wrong to represent
experiences of the external world as some synthesis
of impressions of each of the five senses. A
physical object 1S recognised as a potential
obstruction, or as something to be manipulated,
occupying a definite position in relation to me at
the moment of perception. (Thought and Action,
(London, 1965) pp. 47-48)
18. Benton op cit p.22.
19. I shalt consistently argue that all epistemology
requires an ontology and vice versa. There has been a recent
tendency, in debates in the social sciences, to forget that
to explain is not merely to construct a theory but to
construct a theory which explains something.
20. See, Harre and Madden op cit pp. 3-4, 40-42, 54-56,
109-131, also, Bhaskar op cit pp. 75-82, 105-118.
21. See, Hindess op cit pp. 125-26.
22. See, Benton op cit pp. 46-53.
23. ibid. pp.73-75.
24. Willers’ op cit pp. 13-14, 33-87.
25. See, Chalmers op cit pp. 1-10.
Alex Pollock


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