Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 79)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 79)
92. For a useful introductory account of positivism see,
Harre (1972) pp. 53-60.
93. For the distinction between nineteenth and twentieth
century positivists see, Benton op cit.
54. Positivist philosophy is largely associated with the
work of August Comte, who set out to classify the " laws of
historical development" of society and to highlight which
social forms were coming to being so that science could
indicate the appropriate course of action to take in order to
cure or prevent civil disruption. Positivist philosophy in
this form still has its practioners and advocates in
contemporary social science, e.g. "stagist” Marxism and
theorists of "“industrialism".
55. See, Keat and Urry op cit chapter 1.
56. See, inter alia, ibid. pp. 9-13, 27-30, 35~36. 40-
42,87-88, Benton op cit pp. 64-78.
97. Nagel op cit
98. See, Benton op cit pp. 64-67.
99. Hesse op cit pp. 1-16.
60. Benton op cit pp. 48-49.
61. Keat and Urry op cit p.10.
62. ibid. pp. 10-11.
63. See, "Truth, Rationality and the Growth of Scientific
Knowledge", in Conjectures and Refutations, (London, 1963).
64. See, Benton op cit pp. 56-57.
65. ibid. p.57.
66. Popper op cit p.972.
67. See, Benton op cit pp. 49-53, also Popper op cit pp.
Alex Pollock


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