Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 80)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 80)
68. ibid.
69. ibid. pp.228-48.
70. See, Chamlers op cit pp. 20-31.
71. Benton op cit pp. 48-53
72. CC. Hempel, "The Theoreticians Dilemma: A Study of the
Logic of Theory Construction", in Freigl, Scriven and Maxwell
(Eds) Minnasotta Studies in the Philosophy of Science vol II
73. See, Bhaskar op cit pp. 56-62.
74. Hempel op cit p,177.
75. Ryan op cit p.90.
76. Keat and Urry op cit pp. 20-39.
77. Chalmers op cit pp. 25-30.
78. See. Hume on Belief.
79. Harre atid Madden op cit pp. 27-41.
80. See, "Introduction" to Critigue of Pure Reason.
81. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. (London, 1959).
82. Namely those made by conventionalism and realism.
83. Chalmers op cit.
84. ibid.
85. Kuhn op cit p.118.
86. See, inparticular, B. Hindess and P. Q. Hirst, Pre-
Capitalist Modes of Production. (London, 1975). pp. 2-3 and
87. This is particularly true of the intervention of
Hindess and Hirst in British academic social science. Their
work attacked the entrenched empiricist tradition in social
science by way of the production of formal concepts without
Alex Pollock


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