Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 81)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 81)
im concrete analysis.
endeavour proceeded not by the
against concrete reality but
formal process of auto-critique.
strategies for testing and corroborating
Their formalist account of
empirical testing of theories
with Hindess and Hirst that
internal canons of proof, 1.e.
by way of a subjective and
While I would totally concur
must satisfy
all theories
they should be logically non-
contradictorary, this does not take us very far, since it 15s
quite possible for the objects of discourse to be formally
non-contradictorary without being real objects, 1.e€. objects
which have ontological reality. If we wish to dicover which
types of things there are and the nature of events in the
world then we have to gain purchase to this through empirical
procedures. This is not empiricist but does require empirical
referencing. These issues will be brought out further in the
next chapter where I look at the problem from within
concrete theoretical perspective. For a relevant critique of
their work see, John Taylor, "Pre-—Capitalist Modes of
Production", in Critique of Anthropology, Nos 4 and 5/6.
Autumn 1975 and Spring 1976.
88. See, Althusser
89. See, Bhaskar op cit.
90. See, ibid pp.21-24.
91. See, ibid pp.241-42.
92. See, ibid pp. 12-17, 56-62.
93. Compare, M. Godelier, Rationality and Irrationality in
Economics (New York, 1973), pp. xiii - xlii.
94. It is at this point that the realist is able to offer a
solution to Nagel's dilemma on a materialist basis without
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Alex Pollock


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