Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 84)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 84)
realist epistemology and methodology is to reproduce this
real/concrete in a conceptual formation which identifies what
type of things there are, the internal pattern of
determination of these things and the pattern of
determination between different things in their interaction.
This occurs by means of a distinctly realist process of
theoretical abstraction and concept formation through which
we gain purchase on the stratified and pluralistic nature of
reality by deconstructing it into its most simple constituent
components and structures and by isolating their specific
internal determinations - powers, tendencies, counter
tendencies, etc. (1) This process can be seen quite clearly
in Marx's method of presentation in Capital volume 1, where
the constituent elements of the capitalist mode of production
are deconstructed/reconstructed, viz. commodities, labour
process, valorisation process, constant and variable capital,
surplus value (absolute and relative) and the rate of surplus
value, etc. (2) By this method we bring out the patterns of
determination in the form of simplified abstractions. From
these simple abstractions we can then begin to theoretically
reconstitute the stratified nature of the real/concrete in a
process of combination of concepts derived from the simple
abstractions. These conceptual combinations are formed into
conceptual complexes, which, as they become more intricate,
more accurately approximate to the real/concrete. (3) This is
what I take to be the essence of Marx's method of concept
formation in Capital. (4)
70 an
Alex Pollock


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