Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 85)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 85)
The methodological protocols for this procedure derive from
analysing the real/concrete in its empirical manifestations
but not being content to remain merely at an empirical plane
of reference. Thus, the process of theoretical abstraction
does not locate determination at the level of empirical
correlation and generalisation qua empiricism, but posits
real entities which underly and cause the actual pattern of
empirical determination we discover.
Realism 1S primarily concerned with the "actual intrinsic
relations" and objects which determine the pattern of
empirically observable phenomena. (5) Unlike formalism this
method utilises empirical reference in the construction of
abstract concepts Dbut- it utilises reference with more
ontological depth than is to be discovered in empiricism,
Since it underwrites empirical phenomena with real entities
or "real relations” which underly empirical reference. (6)
It is only by adopting some form of realist approach —-— Marx
would have called it a (historical) materialist approach -
that we can transcend the limits of formalist and empiricist
methodology and do justice to the complexity of concrete
Situations which are structured by a multiplicity of causal
factors, structures and mechanisms. It is with this approach
in mind that I will attempt to specify the main concepts
which will allow us to analyse the relations o production and
reprodction and explain the conditions of poverty and
underdevelopment among the peasant population in the Jordan
Valley. However, before turning directly to this task I will
Alex Pollock


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