Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 86)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 86)
present a brief description of the social setting of the
north Jordan Valley where the conceptual contextualisation
and analysis will take place.
The area which forms the context of my specification of these
peasant relations of prodcion and reproduction is the
northernmost sector of the Jordan Valley inside the West
Bank. Located here are the villages of Bardala,. ‘Ain al Beda,
Marj Najeh, Zbeidat, Jiftlik, Frush Bet Dajan and ‘Ain
Shibli. The area in which the villages are located forms a
triangle bounded on the east by the River Jordan, from
Jiftlik in the south to Bardala in the north, and bounded on
the north west by Ghor al Far'a, from Jiftlik in the south to
‘Ain Shibli in the north west. (7)
The topography of the Jordan Valley is unique. It is the
lowest open place on the earth's surface ranging between 200
- 300 metres below sea-level. It has an arid climate with, on
average, less than 250 millimetres of rainfall per year. The
winter climate is temperate and rarely falls below 10 degrees
centigrade, while the summer temperature is, on average, a
very hot 38 degrees centigrade. (8) Temperate winters have
enabled Jordan Valley peasant farmers to produce winter crops
which normally obtain higher market prices than those
produced in the spring and summer seasons due to supply = and
demand factors.
Alex Pollock


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