Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 87)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 87)
A major outstanding problem facing Palestinian farmers in the
Jordan Valley is the limited availability of water. This is
not particularly a natural or even an economic problem but is
essentially a political one. The [Israeli military authorities
have consistently refused to grant licenses for the drilling
of wells to Palestinian farmers. (9) only a few new wells
have been dug in the Palestinian sector since 1967 and a
considerable number have been closed down by the military
authorities. Existent Palestinian wells are no more than 100
metres deep while wells in the Israeli sector range from 100
to 600 metres in depth. (10) These deeper Israeli wells have
lowered the ground-water table and have affected the quality
of water available to Palestinian farmers. These farmers now
find a higher saline content in the water than in the past.
Agricultural and Agrarian Characteristics
The unique topographical and climatic conditions of the
Jordan Valley have enabled the region to be placed at the
forefront of a veritable "green revolution” in agriculture.
During the early 1970's a number of foreign non-governmental
organisations (NGO's) became interested in what they
perceived as the backward rural production conditions and
underdeveloped social conditions prevalent in the region.
They proceeded to make development interventions into the
local community modelled along classical diffusionist lines.
That is, they perceived the problem of agrarian poverty and
underdevelopment, the constraining factors posed by Israeli
rule notwithstanding, as essentially a technological problem
Alex Pollock


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