Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 88)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 88)
stemming. in the main, from technological backwardness vis-—a-
vis local, national and international market competitors.
(11) The main policy to emerge was one geared to sending
agricultural extension agents into the region to disseminate
technical and technological knowledge about new equipment,
Plant species, seedlings. fertilizers and insecticides. This
equipment was then made available through international aid
transfers provided by foreign NGO's. The efforts of the NGO's
resulted in a radical change in the pattern of agriculture in
the region. (12) Thus, peasant farming in the region became
bio-chemicaily based and augmented by plastic water
irrigation systems. (13) The major change involved:
(a) the cross-over from traditional earth-furrow irrigation
systems to plastic pipe drip irrigation systems,
(b} the change from local seed strains to high yield hybrid
strains with saline resistant properties, and,
(c) the move from organic to inorganic fertilizers.
This "Green Revolution" had important consequences for the
pattern and extent of crop production. Subsistence production
has become marginalised; almost 70% of all farmers reported
that they did not produce any crops purely for household
consumption. (14) Concomitant with long-term marginalisation
of subsistence production had been a move to specialisation
in a few vegetable crops and the development of what is
potentially a regional export enclave economy. (16) Of the
19,620 dunums under cultivation, 72% were producing
vegetables, 5% fruit and 23% field crops (see, Table 1). Of
the 14,063.5 dunums under vegetable production 40% of these
vA ' 74
Alex Pollock


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