Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 90)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 90)
for cash tenancy. The arithmetic mean is not, however, a very
good measure of distribution in this case because one or two
large holdings increase the average significantly. A better
measure is the mode. The modes for the different forms of
holding were: personal ownership 10-14 dunums, cash rent 5-9
dunums and share rent 20-24 dunums.
jagie f: Forms of Langholdina By Agrarian Class {in dunumsa}
Landhoiaing Share- Sheohera Cash Smail- Tatal
Form crovcer Tenant holder
Owned foe i59 198 i912 2022
Cash rented i226 260 1472 4ié 3590
Share rented 9899 198 204 fa? i1108
TOTAL 11878 617 1940 S055 173510
The above data show that sharecropping constituted the most
extensive form of landholding and it also accounted for 72%
of individual landholdings (see, Table 3). While smallholders
accounted for 17%, cash tenants 8%, and shepherd-farmers 3%
of the individual landholdings. Quite clearly sharecropping
was the dominant form of land tenure and agrarian class
relationship. There were, however, village variations to the
general pattern. For example, in Jiftlik, ‘Ain Shibli,
Bardala and ‘Ain al Beda sharecropping was the dominant
constituting 89%, 86%. 68% and 73% of the
tenure form,
tenures of these respective villages. Sharecropping was
marginally predominant in Zbeidat also, but here cash tenancy
was more important than in any other village constituting 36%
76 4,
Alex Pollock


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