Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 91)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 91)
of the village tenures. In Marj} Najeh smallholding was the
dominant form of tenure (58%) . In Frush Bet Dajan
sharecropping and smallholding were almost equal,
constituting 44% and 40% of the village tenures respectively.
Tabie 3: Village By Agrarian Class
Viilace Share- Sheonera Cash Smali- rotal
cropper Tenant holder
Harcala wa a ms tg 76
"Ain ai Beda 74 0 & rar i102
Mara Najeh 9 Q z 5 26
zbeidat aa os 20 1 39
diftiik 208 6 7 12 Fane
Frush Bet Dajan 26 a 4 24 59
Other 2 0 z a 3
"Bin Ghibli & 0 1 Q 7
TOTAL 409 17 45 95 346
Sociographic Characteristics
The total population of the seven village was 5451 persons.
This was equivalent to 0.7% of the total population of the
West Bank in 1983. The villages varied widely in their
population distributions, as the following table shows. The
village of Jiftlik is, by far, the largest in the area and
45% of the regional adult population lives in this. one
Village (see, Table 4).
The north Jordan Valley is an almost exclusively peasant-
based agricultural economy dependent upon small-scale
household production. In 1983, 74% of the adult population
77 vb,
Alex Pollock


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