Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 92)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 92)
worked in the agricultural sector. Only 2% of the resident
adult population was engaged in the commercial or industrial
sector, both of which are completely undeveloped in the
region. Commuter proleterianization of the local work force
was marginal and only 7% of the adult population was engaged
as wage labourers.
Table 4: Village Adult Population By Sex
Village Male Female Total
Bardala 171 176 346
‘Ain al Beda 186 201 387
Marj Najeh 65 73 138
Zbeidat 108 118 226
Jiftlik 599 601 1200
Frush Bet Dajan 136 144 282
Other 12 0 12
‘Ain Shibli 35 40 75
TOTAL 1314 1353 2667
The general adult (15 years and over) illiteracy rate was
47.7%, while the gender specific illiteracy rates were 64.4%
for adult females and 30.4% for adult males. Only 56.1% of
the adult population had attended school for some period in
their life. Of those who had attended school only 10.3% had
stayed on after 15 years of age and 52.2% never remained
beyond elementary level. Only 4.0% of the adult population
had qualified to the level of final leaving examination (the
tawjihi). Of the adult female population only 0.7% qualified
in the tawjihi. Further, there were only 28 university
graduates and students residing in the region, six of whom
78 vé
Alex Pollock


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