Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 93)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 93)
were female.
Housing conditions in all but one village (Zbeidat) were
squalid and cramped. The majority of houses consisted of mud
brick constructions and one-room shacks. Overcrowding was a
serious problem with an average housing density of 5 persons
per room. Moreover, 67.0% of houses had no latrine facility
and 79.5% had no electricity. Most cooking was carried out on
primus stoves. These households have continually been refused
licenses by the Israeli military authorities to up-grade the
standard of their housing. Furthermore, the majority of
village families have no running water. Water has to _ be
carried from canals and wells and is stored in earthenware
jars and oil drums. The water from the canals is untreated
and the water from the wells is of poor quality with a high
saline content. The existing water situation is a factor
contributing to the high mortality and morbidity rates,
through acting as a vector of disease. (16)
All these empirical indicators point to a community
experiencing an exceptionally high co-efficient of
underdevelopment and poverty. But clearly these indices do
not explain why the community is underdeveloped. These
indices are the direct and indirect resultants of determinant
social processes and generative mechanisms which can be
located along two axes. These are, on the one hand, the
social relations of production and reproduction operative in
the region, and on the other hand, the policies and practices
of the Israeli state, particularly as they are represented in
Alex Pollock


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