Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 95)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 95)
view, it was a taken for granted truth that the internal
logic of capitalist expansion and accumulation carried within
it the seeds of the dissolution of non-capitalist modes of
production. (20) Indeed. there is much in Marx's own writing,
particularly his polemical and journalistic works, which
gives credence to this view. (21)
This conception, however, does not fit very well with
historical reality, particularly the historical reality of
agrarian communities in the Third World. Numerous divergent
theorists, operating at both macro-level and micro-level
analysis, have argued, for a variety of different reasons,
that the unilinear/stagist assumptions embodied in this
perspective are not only false, but dangerously so.
The authors of the Latin American dependent development
school, for example, have argued with some justification,
that, far from laying the conditions for the dissolution of
non-capitalist relations of production, the penetration of
foreign based capitalism has resulted, in the Latin American
experience, in the integration of "dependent capitalism" and
backward rural production.(22) Thus, Andre Gunder Frank
argues that:
The monopoly capitalist structure and the surplus
expropriation/appropriation contradiction run
through the entire Chilean [and Latin American AP}
economy, past and present. Indeed it is this
exploitative relation which in chain-like fashion
extends the capitalist link between the capitalist
world and national metropolises to the regional
centers (part of whose surplus they appropriate),
and from these to local centers, and so on to large
UA, 81
Alex Pollock


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