Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 96)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 96)
landowners or merchants who expropriate surplus
from small peasants or tenants, and sometimes even
from these latter to landless laborers exploited by
them in turn. At each step along the way, the
relatively few capitalists above excercise monopoly
power over the many below, expropriating some or
all of their economic surplus and, to the extent
that they are not expropriated in turn by the still
fewer above them, appropriating it for their own
use. Thus at each point, the international,
National and local capitalist system generates
economic deve lopment for the few and
underdevelopment for the many. (23)
Similarly in Africa, Samir Amin has argued that the normal
pattern of development in the Third World is "peripheral
capitalism"; a form of capitalism which is extraverted and
externally oriented. Peripheral capitalism is a "blocked-
capitalism" in which the export production sector and the
import consumption sector are perversely related in a manner
which does not conform to the pattern of capitalist
deve lopment which occurred in the capitalist centres
(autocentric capitalism). (24) The process of capitalist
development in the Third World periphery consists of:
The distortion toward export activities
(extraversion) a does not result from the
‘inadequacy of the home market'. But from the
superior productivity of the centre in all fields,
which compels the periphery to confine itself to
the role of complementary supplier of products for
the production of which it possesses a natural
advantage: exotic agricultural produce and
minerals. When, as a result of this distortion, the
level of wages in the periphery has become _ lower,
for the same productivity, than at the centre. a
limited development of industries focussed on the
home market of the periphery will have become
possible, while at the same time exchange will
become unequal. The subsequent pattern of
industrialization through import-substitution,
together with the (as yet emryonic) effects of the
new international division of labour inside the
transnational firm, do not alter the essential
conditions of extraversion, even if they alter the
UP, 82
Alex Pollock


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