Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 97)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 97)
form it takes. (25)
On a less continental scale and less global in scope, UH.
Friedmann has shown that in the USA - the heartland of the
world capitalist system —- household forms of petty-commodity
production have been the normal mode of production in the
great American wheat-belt. She has demonstrated that the
petty-commodity production household has been, by and large,
oblivious to the advances of capitalist agriculture.(26) She
claims that:
"l... the majority of farms in advanced capitalist
countries are not themselves capitalist in their
internal relations. Most agricultural labour is
performed by farmers and their families. Wage
labour is quantitatively and qualitatively
subordinate to full-time family labour, both for
wages earned by farmers off the farm, and for wages
paid to outsiders to supplement labour on the farm.
Here political economy provides less guidance in
practice, through its promise no less in principle.
The relevant concept is simple commodity
production, not in the vague use prevailing among
most political economists and historians, but as a
concept whose relations to other concepts of value
theory can be precisely specified. (27)
The failure of the unilinear/stagist concept to cope with the
contemporary reality of the Third World and agrarian
relations in the "developed countries" has led to a series of
debates around the notion of modes of production. (28) These
debates attempted to take account of the fact that different
modes of production can co-exist and be fully integrated into
national and international economic contexts. We can quite
usefully distinguish three sources of contemporary debate.
Alex Pollock


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