Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 99)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 99)
British colonial rule. (33)
Whatever the conceptual differences which separated them
both, they perceived the co-existence in Indian agriculture
of capitalist and non-capitalist modes of production in a
manner Similar to those who later talked about the
articulation of diffferent modes of production. The same
thing cannot be said of Alavi who rejected the notion of
modes of production and their interaction. For Alavi, the
concept of mode of production was constructed as a grand
structural concept whose conditions of existence were
expressed throughout the socio-economic formation in
economic, political and ideological practices. (34) Alavi
argued that the conditions of existence of neither the feudal
nor normal capitalist modes of production could be said to be
present in India. What existed was a distorted form of
capitalism which he conceptualised as the "colonial mode of
production". The colonial mode of production is a
"“disarticulated" and "deformed" mode of production in which:
" ,. the impact of imperialism was to disarticulate
the Indian economy and then reintegrate in
components with the metropolitan economy in such a
way to preclude the autonomous accumulation of
capital within India. (34)
Thus, the colonial mode of production was disarticulated in
terms of the component sectors of the Indian economy (the
same point is made in other terms by Patnaik) and deformed
because of the form of its connection to the imperialist
heartland, i.e. the surplus accumulated in the colony was
85 a
Alex Pollock


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