Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 121)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 121)
it ais their variation which will allow us to establish the
intensity of exploitation and appropriation of surplus
product within modes of production. Thus, these elements are
an integral part of any mode of production but do not define
the mode of production per Se.
By the term articulation I refer to the processes and
mechanisms through which divergent modes of production become
inserted into social formations at regional, national and
international levels. (92) The main sites of articulation are
the economic, the political and the ideological. In this
essay I am primarily concerned to bring out the economic
conditions for the articulation of social relations within
the social formation at the regional level. I have already
made some very tentative comments on the insertion of the
West Bank economy as a whole into the Israeli social
formation at the political and ideological level.
At the economic level a mode of production, in which a
fraction or all of the economic surplus takes the form of
commodities, will be articulated to the home and/or
international markets through two complementary processes.
These are:
1 The circuit of commercial capital
2 The circuit of interest bearing capital. (93)
At an institutional level these circuits take very
107 UF,
Alex Pollock


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