Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 127)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 127)
1. Two notable examples of this approach are the work of
Erik Olin Wright and Bob Jessop, see, in particular, E. O.
Wright, Class, Crisis and the State (London, 1978), Classes
(London, 1985), "The Value Controversy and Social Research"
and “Reconsiderations", both in I. Steedman Ed., The Value
Controversy (London, 1981) and Bob Jessop, The Capitalist
State, (London, 1982). For Jessop see, The Capitalist State,
(London, 1982).
2. See, K. Marx, Capital, Vol 1, (Harmondsworth, 1976).
3. For Marx's own rather cursory discussions of the problem
of concept formation, see, the 1857 "Preface" to A
Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy, (London,
1971) and the 1859 "Introduction" to the Grundrisse,
(Harmondsworth, 1973).
4. For a detailed discussion from within the realist
problematic see, D. Sayer, Marx's Method (Sussex, i979).
5. Compare, N. Geras, "Marx and the Critique of Political
Economy", in R. Blackburn Ed., Ideology in the Social
Sciences (Glasgow, 1972) pp. 284-88 and M. Godelier,
"Structure and Contradiction in Capital". also in Blackburn
Pp. 334-43.
6. See, Godelier ibid. p.336.
7. See, Maps 1, 2 and 3.
8. For a brief account of the climatic and topography of
the Jordan Valley. see, R. G. Khouri, The Jordan Valley
(London, 1981), pp. 13-42.
JP 113
Alex Pollock


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