Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 128)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 128)
9. See, U. Davis, A. E. LL. Maks and J. Richardson,
"Israel's Water Policies", in Journal of Palestinian Studies,
vol IX, No 2, 1980.
10. See, I. Matar, "ITsraeli Settlements and Palestinian
Rights", in N. Aruri Ed., Occupation: Israel Over Palestine,
(London, 1984), p.129.
11. See, A. Pollock, "Society and Change in the North
Jordan Valley", in G. Abed Ed., Development Under Prolonged
Occupation, (Geneva, forthcoming).
12. Ibid.
13. See, S. Tamari, "The Agrarian System", inS. Tamari and
R. Giacaman, Zbeidat: The Social Impact of Drip Irrigation on
a Palestinian Peasant Community in the Jordan Valley,
(Birzeit, 1980), pp. 18-22.
14. See, Pollock, op cit.
15. Ibid.
16. For further details of this phenomenon, see, R.
Giacaman, "Health Conditions in Zbeidat", in Tamari_ and
Giacaman op cit. pp. 1-33.
17. For an overview and critique of the main paradigms
utilised to explain the phenomenon of
deve lopment/underdevelopment, see, inter alia, J. Taylor,
From Modernization to Modes of Production, (London, 1979), A.
Hoogvelt. The Sociology of Developing Societies, (London,
1976), P. W. Preston, New Trends in Development Theory,
(London, 1985), H. Brookfield, Interdependent Development,
(London, 1975), A. Webster, Introduction to the Sociology of
Deve lopment, (London, 1977), N. Long, Introduction to the
Sociology of Rural Development, (London, 1977) and M. P.
114 uP ;
Alex Pollock


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