Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 130)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 130)
Formations", in Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 7, No 2,
2/7. H. Friedmann, “The Family Farm in Advanced Capitalism:
Outline of a Theory of Simple Commodity Production in
Agriculture", paper presented to the. Thematic Panel
"Rethinking Domestic Agriculture", American Sociological
Association, Toronto, August 1981, pp. 2-3.
28. For a useful introduction to these debates, see, inter
alia, A. Brewer, op cit, pp. 261-73, A. Foster-Carter, 'The
Modes of Production Controversy", in New Left Review, No 107,
1978, Harold Wolpe's "Intoduction" to The Articulation of
Modes of Production, (London, 1980) and M. Blomstrom and B.
Hettne, Development Theory in Transition, (London, 1984), pp.
128-30, 179-82.
29. For an overview and interesting account of the debate,
see, D. McEachern, “The Mode of Production in India", in
Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol 6, No 4, 1976, also Foster-
Carter op cit. 1978.
30. See, A. Rudra, "Class Relations in Indian Agriculture",
in Economic and Political Weekly, June 3, 10, and 17, 1978.
31. See, U. Patnaik, "Capitalist Development in Indian
Agriculture: A Note", in Economic and Political Weekly,
September, 1971, and “On the Mode of Production in Indian
Agriculture: A Reply", in Economic and Political Weekly,
september, 1972.
32. See, P. Chattopadhayay, "On the Question of the Mode of
Production in Indian Agriculture: A Preliminary Note", in
Economic and Political Weekly, March. 1972, and "Mode of
Production in Indian Agriculture: An Anti-kritik", in
uP : 116
Alex Pollock


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