Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 133)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 133)
argued that:
" . the method of an entire line of writers in the
Marxist tradition has lead them to displace class
relations from the centre of their analyses of
economic development and underdevelopment. It has
been their intention to negate the optimistic model
of economic advance derived from Adam Smith,
whereby the development of trade and the division
of labour unfailingly brings about economic
development. Because they have failed, however, to
discard the underlying individualist-mechanist
presuppositions of this model, they have ended up
erecting an alternative theory of capitalist
development which is, in central aspects, the
mirror image of the "“progressist" thesis they wish
to surpass.
R. Brenner, "The Origins of Capitalist Development: A
Critique of Neo-Smithian Marxism", in H. Alavi and T. Shanin
Eds., The Sociology of ‘Developing Societies', (London,
1982), p.55.
53. For an interesting overview of the debate, see, E.
Laclau, "Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin America”, in
Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory, (London, 1977).
54. See, A. G. Frank, "Mexico: The Janus Face of the
Twentieth Century Bourgeois Revolution”, "The Mexican
Democracy of Pablo Gonzalez Casanova", The Brazilian Pre-
Revolution of Celso Furtado", The National Bourgeoisie and
Military Coup in Brazil" and “Destroy Capitalism, Not
Feudalism", all in Latin America: Underdevelopment or
Revolution, (New York, 1969).
55. See, A. G. Frank, "The Sociology of Development and the
Underdevelopment of Sociology", in Frank ibid. pp. 39-66.
56. See, A. G. Frank, "Dialectic, Not Dual Society", in
ibid. pp. 223-226.
57. Laclau was equally critical of Frank's definition of
feudalism in which he appeared to define it as a closed
119 UE,
Alex Pollock


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