Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 134)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 134)
system where market relations had not penetrated. Apart from
showing that this was not even the case in Europe during the
era of feudalism, Laclau argues that it is necessary to
define feudalism in terms of its constituent relations of
production. Thus:
The feudal mode of production is one in which the
production process operates according to the
following pattern: 1. the economic surplus is
produced by a labour force subject to economic
compulsion; 2. the economic surplus is privately
appropriated by someone other than the direct
producer: 3. property in the means of production is
in the hands of the direct producer. In the
capitalist mode of production, the economic surplus
is also subject to private appropriation, but as
distinct from feudalism, ownership af the means of
production is severed from the ownership of labour
power; it is that which permits the transformation
of labour power into a commodity, andwith it the
birth of the wage relation. (Politics and Ideology
in Marxist Theory, (London, 1977) p.35.)
98. Laclau, ibid. 1977, p. 23.
59. Ibid. p. 34.
60. Ibid. p. 35.
61. See, J. Taylor, 1979, op cit. pp. 105-123.
62. See, B. Jessop, op cit. pp. 9-12.
63. Poulantzas, op cit. 1975, pp. 15-16.
64. For an extremely insightful critique of Poulantzas from
a realist position, see, B. Jessop, op cit. pp. 153-210.
65. This neo-Gramscian approach to politics in Marxist
analyses has been developed in the work of N. Poulantzas, E.
Laclau, C. Mouffe and B. Jessop. See, N. Poulantzas, State,
Power and Socialism, (London, 1978), E. Laclau and C. Mouffe,
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy, (London, 1982) and B.
Jessop, op cit. 1982 and Nicos Poulatzas, (London, 1982).
66. The concept of exceptionalist state was developed by N.
Poulantzas who outlined three forms of exceptionalism;
120 UP,
Alex Pollock


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