Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 135)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 135)
fascism, military dictatorship and Bonapartism. See, Fascism
and Dictatorship, (London, 1974) and The Crisis of the
Dictatorships, (London, 1976).
67. See, M. Rodinson, Israel: A Colonial Settler-State?,
(New York, 1973).
68. For ae$short account of labour Zionism and radical
Zionism in Israel, see, E. Margalit, "Socialist Zionism in
Palestine: Collective and Equalitarian Tradition", in The
Jerusalem Quarterly, No 28, 1983 and Y. Elam, "Gush Emunim -
A False Messianism", in The Jersualem Quarterly, No 1, 1976.
69. This data is from The Quarterly Statistics for the
Administered Territories, 1981, (Jerusalem, 1981), p.6.
70. For a discussion of the phenomenon of commuting-—
labourers, see, S. Tamari, "Building Other peoples Homes: The
Palestinian Peasant Household and Work in Israel",
(Jerusalem, 1981), also, E. Farjoun, "Palestinian Workers in
Israel: A Reserve Army of Labour", (Tel Aviv, 1979).
71. See, B. van Arkadie, Benefits and Burdens: A Report on
the West Bank and Gaza Strip Economies Since 1967,
(Washington DC. 1977), pp. 115-55.
72. See, in particular, E. Balibar, "The Basic Concepts of
Historical Materialism", in L. Althusser and E. Balibar, op
73. For an interesting account of the problem of trying to
extract a general concept of non-capitalist modes of
production from Marx's various works, see, J. Taylor, 1979,
op cit. pp. 152-57.
74. For a critical evaluation of the "Formen" section of
the Grundrisse, see, J. Taylor, ibid. pp. 154-56.
Alex Pollock


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